Anna Hazare is back. Here is his message to one and all. In-case you are already an Anna follower, you are doing well. In case you are not one, please have some shame, read his message and follow him to a glorious corruption free India.
Dear Citizens of India,
For the past 6 months I have been regularly starving myself for you, to give you a nation that is free of corruption. I have successfully convinced you that corruption is an event that occurs outside of us poor hapless citizens. We citizens are honest and righteous to the core. It is these damned parliamentarians & bureaucrats who are responsible for all that is wrong with the country. We, the poor citizens are noble and only victims in this cruel world run by these wretched parliamentarians. I ask you, who has given them the right to represent us??
Of late I have realized that there is some sort of a bizarre parliamentary democracy system in this country which allows these people to come to power. The truth is that in the village where I rule (Ralegaon Siddhi in Maharashtra) I have not allowed any Panchayat elections to be held for the past two decades. Also during state and national elections, no campaigning is allowed in Ralegan Siddhi. 1 I find that this system works perfectly well for me and do not see any logic in choosing representatives through unnecessary elections. I have done wonders for my village and this blasted government should simply allow me to do what I want for as Kiran Bedi has already clarified – “Anna is India & India is Anna”. 2
I have provided India with a panacea, a silver-bullet to remove corruption. To be more precise, Janlokpal will remove >= 65% of corruption from the country.3 These morons do not seem to understand this. This is why I have come up with a better strategy. If a parliamentarian is against Janlokpal, he does not deserve to win. According to my esteemed and revered opinion, there are 2 kinds of parliamentarians :– (1) parliamentarians in favour of Janlokpal and (2) corrupt parliamentarians. At any cost, we must get rid of the second lot. This is the premise for my latest gimmick. We must ensure that the Congress loses all elections from now on until they start supporting and pass my Janlokpal bill. Take for instance the imminent Hissar by-poll. My Magsaysay pals and I have been campaigning against the Congress. ‘Congress ko Harao’ is our mantra. Here’s how it works:
These are the major candidates from Hissar4:
Now my dear citizens, your only priority at this point is to vote for the Non-Congress candidate. You can even go ahead and choose Ved Pal or Virender who have charges like murder, attempt to murder and assault against them. Such parliamentarians would serve us better than the buffoon from Congress who dared to represent a party that is not backing my Janlokpal. My Janlokpal. That is all that matters in the country now. DO NOT forget that.
Jai Hind!
DISCLAIMER: Just in-case it was not obvious, the above letter is written in jest, is fake and is not by Anna Hazare. However verifiable facts can be found on the below resources.

Annaji Laage raho…bhagavan aapko fal jaror dehenge!!
Aren’t the games being played entertaining ? Even this fake letter which could have been written by the Congress candidate Jai Prakash !
Good thing is that India keeps moving on like an elephant in-spite of the fake drum beaters for socialism, secularism and all isms.
Does he take glucose when doing his fasts?
Yes, he does. There are videos on youtube documenting the same. The fasts seem to be tokenism in his case.
did Team Anna target only Hissar elections, which r scheduled on
13/10/2011, even though there r elections d same day in
Tiruchirapalli,(Tamil Nadu), Banswada(Andhra pradesh), Indra
Nagar(Puduchery), Khadakwasala (Maharashtra from Where Anna belongs) and
Daraunda (Bihar)? Why just Hissar? Its because The congress Candidate from Hissar has a weak stand there and People… believe,He will loose in election.
So, no need to say That Congress can’t win Hissar elections any how.
But in Khadakwasla,Pune. which is near to Anna’s home town, Congress has
a strong stand n good chances to win. Team Anna knows this & hence
targeted Hissar instead of Khadakwasla, to take the credit of making
Congress fall in Hissar elections & Thus once again fool People will show there Fake Strength. -Pratik Phale
dis is funny ….i mean y do we always confuse corruption wid annaz solution of jan lokpal…..kindly read d bill nd ponder over its implications ! THE JOKE PAL BILL
because Anna’s solution will remove 65% of corruption. It is the only way out.
annaji aap badhe bado hum aapke saath hai …
Only a mentaly deranged person can think and talk like this about ANNA Hajare.
Prohibition was a state policy what has happened to this we see when we visit peoples’houses who go to 2nd oct at Rajghat. So is Ped lagao since it started in India during emergency by Sanjay Gandhi , The scheme is laughing with its money in Swiss banks and sometimes at Land prices in our country. Why one should laugh when actualy you should vomit when a corrupt CVC is pushed to your throat by the christian Sonia and Leader of opposition Sushma swaraj Screws it at UPAs throat.Ralegaon is a pilgrim for the social scientistsCorruption is the mahamari in this country.
Ralegaon is run according to Anna’s whims. Maybe that is fine for Ralegaon. The country can not be run based on his whims as has been apparent by his multiple unsuccessful fasts. Subverting democracy & painting all politicians with the same brush is as useless as any of his fasts. Very conveniently a constituency close to Delhi where Congress is anyway weak was picked. Telling people that it’s okay to vote for murderers over a clean Congress candidate is not very smart.
Nice satire, WS. I suggest sending it for publication somewhere.
Are you mad??
He is doing so much for the country, for us. And you are wasting your time in making fun of his activities. Go and join pagalkhana with Mr. Digvijay singh. Your blog is simply odious. It was still acceptable to have a blog that would highlight demerits of jan lokpal bill OR discussed it’s pros and cons. However, making fun of someone’s truly sincere efforts this way is unacceptable. Go and get yourself checked with a mental doctor. You may not find too many doctors treating this disease which you are suffering from i.e. Digvijay singh.
And yeah, keep on voting for congress. It’s because of people like you that we and anna team members have to go and get tanned in scorching sun to fight against your elected corrupt candidates. If others in Hisar were corrupt, so was congressman too. Why don’t you go and ask Jai Prakash of congress how he became a crorepati (he has 4 crores of wealth as declared by him prior to elections). If all are corrupt, then next basis of your decision to vote is who would be willing to pass janlokpal bill. I know none of them would want to however, the tactic played by anna was to create pressure over govt. by making it see the consequences of not passing the bill in next session. The people of Hisar understood this tactic however, you seem to have too less a mind to understand all this. You are sick, don’t change else how will congress get 10-11 % votes that it got in Hisar election.
@google-f50e68fa4aadfa9f5e16cbd0991d3f28:disqus Everyone against Anna is sick & mad. Including his former closest aides Rajendra Singh & Rajgopal who have now quit & publicly criticized this pretentious movement.
“Are you mad??”
“Only a mentaly deranged person can think and talk like this about ANNA Hajare. ”
Heck, I give credit to the man for stirring up a movement against corruption, but don’t play this naive and reactionary “with us or against us” game.
– I have concerns regarding his flaws, namely the fascistic manner with which he runs Ralegaon, his vocal support for Raj Thackeray and MNS’ ethnocentric stance, and his reactionary knee-jerk statements that corrupt MPs should be hanged till death (seeing how he runs Ralegaon, I know that’s not a superfluous statement) .
– I also have issues with JLB (civil version)- especially the one where the LokPal is appointed by Nobel, Magsaysay, and Bharat Ratna winners and not via democratic means (unless this has changed, of course) or where the LP gets to merge CBI’s anti-corruption wing under him/her and seems to wield way too much power. Sure, this existing government is corrupt and flawed, but I don’t see adding another veneer in the form of a LokPal- one based on meritocracy- to be a sure-shot guarantee for a 65% reduction of corruption. That said, I really do admire the whistleblower protection clause.
Now, can you answer my queries and alleviate my concerns in a logical manner befitting a mature individual, or are you going to call me deranged or mad- much like you Anna fan-boys seem to do like hamsters with triggered Pavlovian responses?
I am damn sure that u r paid by diggy pig 😀 and has same mindset …anyway u seems to be having lot of free time to make charts. Nice one…
@a561452599fdf01dcb50d6420484d104:disqus Thank you. We have some charts in other posts which are even better than this one!
anna ji, es desh ko corruption se mukt karane ke liye aapke dwara kiye ja rahe anshan avam satyagrah me hum apke sath hai.apki deshbhakti ko salam,jan lokpal sansad me sarv-sammati se parit hone tak aap maidan me date rahiye,sara desh apke sath hai,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,jai hind.
Anna is not doing any thing for the nation.he is doing all for BJP and RSS….. How can he say that his way is highy way… can he say parlament should pass the JLP as how he wants.. Y he is not making a political pary to fight against congress . win the election and go to the parlament where he can make good bill as how he wants, which is the best and easy way for him and his team…If any one want makes india curreption free..all of us with him… one wants india with correption…. but this is not the way how to make and pass the bill. why mr. kesariwal pay the money back to govt when he said he is right.,? why kiran bedy did this all . now cout arderd for file case against her. anna saying 65% of correption can stop wuth this bill.what about rest 35 %. can we agree that willingly.? why this NGO not under this bill. we want a strong bill…not how anna says……..anna is sorrownded by some anti congresys. that is what the real fact. my advise to UPA let make the bill by NDA…..after 2 yeas… i am sure by next elction they can reach in parlament….let them do..dont touch in that bill which anna brought…..we can see in near future what is happening…..
Yes, if Hazare truly feels that the ‘entire’ nation supports him, he should not have any issues in toppling the government.
hello sir, to your point of view let me ask you some questions..
1. Till now you were not knowing India is most corrupted country?? If yes then when you or UPA people did not raise voice against corruption??
2. When Mr.Shanti Bhushan first framed JLP in around 1965, why bill has NOT been passed in parliament?
3. Being in a democratic country if you wanted to do something good for nation in majority of percentage(65%), is necessary to make a political party and get into parliament??
or only elected members have sole power to raise voice or enforce to do something??
4. Whats your say to bringing back of Black money to India? And the majority of black money in total black money in Swiss bank is of UPA govt. people…
5. FYI the bringing back of black money to India has been first raised by the well know parliamentarian and politician Mr.LK Advani. Then why not any action has been taken by present ruling govt. UPA??
6. Why UPA govt donot have solid list of reasons to not to pass and take into consideration the JLP for discussion by any volunteer by public??
7. We all know what parliamentarians are doing in parliament?? Please sit and watch this current winter session, you will get to know sir…
8. Thats why Performers and activists are very few and viewers/critics are hell lot in the world.
The underlying assumption in most of your points is that Anna Hazare is a substitute for the current government. Unfortunately the rhetoric and sensationalism created by Hazare’s group has convinced many people of this even though this has nothing to do with Janlokpal. Raising valid issues of corruption is fine. However, to insist on legislation being passed based on what Hazare deems to be right is not fine. Influencing people by making them believe that Hazare’s Janlokpal will rid India of all corruption is not fine. Claiming to be apolitical and yet targeting only one party is not fine.
It seems that Hazare wants new legislation to be based completely on what his team wants. Also, he is convinced that the country is with him and he represents all people. In that case it should not be too tough for him to topple the government. Sadly Hazare’s fascist background seems to have an overwhelming influence on his methods.
Negative and Positive Democracy is a New concept of Political Science
developed by Sailendra Prasad as a student fellow of Political Science.
What is Negative or Positive Democracy?
Where the candidate from a particular constituent assembly elected with
more than 50% of vote represents his constituency in legislative assembly or
parliament is called positive democracy. Where the candidate from a
particular constituent assembly elected with less than 50% of vote represents
his constituency in legislative assembly or parliament is called negative
Indian Democracy is
negative democracy because the most of representative elected for Lok-sabha or
legislative assemblies of states are securing below 50% of votes.
Where there is multi-party
system in a Democracy, it is less democratic if there is number of the
candidate is high because with a small representation, the representative get
elected for the assembly/parliament. For example if there are 10 candidates and
one candidate get 11% of vote and other gets less than 11%, one who get only
eleven percent is elected. He or she may representing a particular caste or
religion or community. But he/she was rejected by 89% of voters. Those candidates,
who not elected because of division of votes, as the person elected was planned
to divide the vote of majority of people by inviting small parties and
increasing the number of independent candidates.
How to implement Positive
Democracy in a county having multiparty system?
To provide positive
democracy to the countrymen there should be Single or Bi-party system in a country/state. Otherwise in Multiparty system if the candidate secured
highest vote is not securing 50% or more votes of his constituency than there should
be re-election between those two candidates who have secured the highest vote
in that constituency. Out of that result if it is tie It can be decide by Toss.
@1b31296190686dd9ae4e85d757dcc83f:disqus This is right up your alley
If the conditions are not good let them more wild for change. Because there is change after every bad things. Revolution starts when people fed-up with corruption and bad Governance. Constitution is failed when Multiparty System entered and negative democracy starts in India.
It is not possible to make Strong Janlokpal without changing constitution. Our constitution is very lax
14 of the Constitution reads:
state shall not deny to any person equality before the law or
equal protection of the laws within the territory of India”
do the two phrases in this Article namely “equality before
law” and “equal protection of law” mean? On the face
of it the
phrases may seem to be identical, but in fact, they mean different things.
“Equality before the law” is negative concept; “equal protection of
is a positive one. The former declares that everyone is equal before
that no one can claim privileges and that all classes are equally
to the ordinary law of the land. “Equal protection of Law”, on the
hand means, that among equals, the law should be equal and
administered. That like should be treated as like. Or in other
persons differently circumstanced need not be treated in the same
For example ‘Equal protection of Law’ does not mean that every
shall be taxed equally, but that persons under the same category
be taxed by the same standard. The guarantee of “equal
thus is a guarantee of equal treatment of persons in “equal
permitting differentiation in different circumstances.
Ajmal Kasab belogs to special class of Terrorist Group so he is protected. He
is also a foreigner so he is guest in our country. Atithi Deo Bhava.
अन्ना फिर करेंगे अनशन
डूबेगी किश्ती तो डूबोगे सारे ,
न तुम रहोगे न साथी तुम्हारे |
बनो अन्ना की किश्ती के पतवार ,
भरष्टाचार पर कर डालो परहार ||
मत करो लोकपाल बिल में डील,
बढ जाएगी भारतवासियों की पीड ||
अन्ना खायेंगें लाठी देदेगें जान,
सरकार नहीं दे सकेगी जवाब
nice fight for corruption, let India be the most corrupt country, Hail Sonia, Rahul and Priyanka